A secure nation must ensure security of critical infrastructure. The core segments where the Government of India focuses, as far as physical security and cyber security are concerned, include Defence, Finance, Energy, Transportation and Telecommunications, among others.
As we move towards realisation of the Prime Minister’s vision of Digital India, the importance of the security of data becomes critical. The Digital India initiative, wherein all the critical services will be dependent on IT, will require the infrastructure and core services to be immune from attacks.
Latest technologies, such as Cloud Computing, are integrated in a large number of organisations to upgrade work processes. This further enhances the risk of cyber threats.
Elets 7th SecureIT Conference will take place on 23rd February 2017 in New Delhi. It will cover a range of issues, like Cyber Security, Disaster Management, Public Safety and Security, Infrastructure Security, Border Management, Data Security, Data in Cloud, Network Security, Network-based Attacks, ICT in Policing, Traffic Modernisation, Telecom vulnerabilities, Attacks on Telecom Networks, National Cyber Security Framework, etc.
The previous SecureIT Conferences were attended by Key Stakeholders, who play pivotal role in framing cyber laws of the country for defence sector, police, security forces and security agencies, and security solution providers.