‘Elets Smart Healthcare Conclave 2016’ will see active participation of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, PSUs like HSCC (India) Ltd under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, State Health Secretaries, International Hospital Chains, State National Health Missions, CEOs & Presidents of Hospitals, CIOs, CMIO, CTO, CFO, COO, General Manager, Medical Director, Researchers/Academicians and Healthcare IT solution providers.
‘Elets Smart Healthcare Conclave 2016’ will have Awards & Expo too to highlight the achievements in the field of healthcare sector from across India.
A special edition of eHealth, Asia’s premier magazine on ICT in healthcare will be launched during ‘Elets Smart Healthcare Conclave 2016’.
So Be the Game Changer, Be Part of ‘Elets Smart Healthcare Conclave 2016.’